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The unique and preferred solution for securing education certificates / scrolls issued by higher education institutions in Malaysia
WHAT IS eCredentia

eCredentia enables higher education institutions in managing records including transcripts, certificates and official letters to be digitally signed and securely stored, giving students and graduates direct access to their records

WHY IS eCredentia

eCredentia offers significant benefits to higher education institutions, graduates, employers, government agencies or any other recipients of credentials documents

Secure! - It utilises digital signature and date time stamping technology

Unlike the traditional paper-based certificates / scrolls which is can be easily forged, our eCredentia uses digital certificates to sign and date / time stamp the digital document. This is made possible by using the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which has been proven worldwide to be tamper proof

Convenient! Instantaneous verification by any relying parties

Relying parties can verify the authenticity of the eCredentia instantaneously using Adobe PDF reader

Save Paper & Hassle Free! Just retrieve and share the eCredentia!

No more hard copy printing! Graduates can easily send their eCredentia to their future employers by providing anywhere, anytime access and ability to retrieve and share documents with employers, universities and other parties with whom they choose

Secured QR Code – Verification of Digital Certified True Copy

Receiving organisations will also be able to rely on the authenticity of the documents and be less concerned about potential fraud


For Education Institutions

  • Permanent and safe record of keeping all academic awards issued
  • No need for issuing duplicate academic awards, students can get it from eCredentia
  • Effective deterrence to fake and forged paper certificates
  • All academic awards verification needs can be addressed by eCredentia
  • Efficient, effective and transparent administration
For Students
  • Immediate availability of academic awards upon upload by Academic Institution
  • Online, permanent record of academic awards
  • No risk of losing, spoiling, damaging the academic awards
  • Anytime, anywhere and convenient access to academic awards
For Verification Users (Employer Companies, Banks etc.)
  • Online, quick and reliable verification of academic awards Access to authenticated copy of academic awards
  • No risk of fake and forged Certificates
  • Reduction in cost, time and efforts for verification
FEATURES OF eCredentia
  • Utilises PDF file format which are compatible across mutiple platforms
  • Protected by Digital Signature Act 1997
  • Tamper Proof
  • Easy validation through online portal / Secure QR Code Reader ( Verification exclusively available using Pos Digicert Secured QR )